I am lawyer since 1995 and qualified as specialised Lawyer for Administratve Law - in German : Fachanwaeltin für Verwaltungsrecht - since 2001. This qualification requires continuous training, annually supervised by the Berlin Bar Association.
From 2016 until 2020 I was appointed as member of the committee for admission of collegues specialising in migration law at the Berlin Bar Association. Since 2023 I am honorary judge at Berlin Lawyer´s Court.
Fields of Law
My major expertise comprises many aspects of administrative law cases with focal point on two fields: immigration matters and construction law. Please find more and detailed information on page "Fields of Law".
I share my officespace with other lawyers, who specialised in other fields of law. This enables us tight cooperation, if necessary. My collegues are Annette Jansen (family law, criminal law), Thomas Moritz (criminal law, asylum and migration law, law of media), Wiebke Poschmann (family law, inheritance law, law of agriculture), Marten Mittelstädt (labour law, law of univeristies). In cases with international problems I can cooperate with qualified and trustworthy collegues from the U.S., Hungary, Ukraine or Turkey, whom I know for a long time.
I am member in the Berliner Anwaltsverein e.V. and active in pro bono work for the Berlin Bar Association. Also I used to cooperate with various organisations that do refugee work, such as helpdesks by church and charity institutions, Zentrum Überleben, XENION and the vietnamese Club Asiaticus Vinaphunu in Berlin.
Legal advice can be provided in German, English and Hungarian language.
Please be sure to get legal services at best standard when it comes to experience, diligence and personal effort.
In 2021 I published a book about the new German immigration law together with my collegue Prof. Marion Hundt. The book is called "Praxishandbuch Erwerbsmigrationsrecht".
Telephone +49.30.26 55 44 84
Fax +49.30.23 62 38 22